Three Roadside clean up workers with bright clothingAssociates from Pennsville National Bank recently participated in Adopt-A-Road clean up activities along Kings Highway in Pilesgrove. Their stretch of County roadway starts just behind the former Richman’s building on Route 40 and extends to the intersection at Auburn Road. This happy team picked up 19 bags of litter, which weighed in at 133 pounds. Litter is an increasingly troublesome concern (and eyesore) in Salem County, so we are especially grateful for local businesses and groups that participate in Adopt-a-Road clean up activities.

If you are interested in leaning more about Adopt-a-Road or Clean Communities opportunities to earn funds for you 501(c)(3) organization, please call us at 856-935-7900 x21.

Roadside clean up workers  Big yellow trash bags stacked on truck bed

Big yellow trash bags stacked on truck bed

Adopt a Road roadside sign