Adopt-a-Road Program
Adopt-a-Road Programs are part of the larger Clean Communities initiative.
Adopt-a-Road groups volunteer to clean sections of the adopted area, and all necessary equipment such as grabbers, safety shirts, bags and gloves are provided. All groups are acknowledged with a road sign displaying their name.
The safety of our volunteers is important. Please review safety protocols before conducting any cleanup programs and encourage volunteers to watch the NJCCC safety video:
Clean Communities Grant
Clean Communities Grant funding provides for the clean-up of litter of our County roadways on Saturdays in May and September.
If your group is a non-profit group and you’d like to earn $300.00 to perform a clean-up on one of our County roadways, please contact Sherry Washington – – for more information on this program.
What is the Adopt-A-Road Program?
The Salem County Adopt-A-Road Program supports the ongoing effort to beautify Salem County. The program provides citizens with the opportunity to help Salem County achieve its goals of safe, attractive, and litter-free roadways. The Salem County Adopt-A-Road Program also raises the public’s awareness to the increase of roadside trash and also promotes and establishes the stewardship of public lands by citizens with cooperation between the public and government to resolve a common problem.
The problem of litter in the State of New Jersey is serious. Salem County, though sparsely populated and rural in nature, is especially susceptible to the litter problem due to the large number of vehicles which utilize its 354 miles of roadway.
Salem County encourages its visitors to tour its scenic highways. It must be remembered that even the most scenic drive is spoiled by the sight of litter thoughtlessly disposed.
The most common type of litter found on highways is paper, including fast-food containers, followed by cans and bottles. Larger items such as tires, auto parts, and household appliances can also be found.
How Does it Work?
Person(s) or groups may “Adopt” a minimum of a one mile section of a county road for at least a period of two (2) years, after signing an agreement with the Salem County Improvement Authority – Solid Waste Division. The agreement States:
- The person(s) or group must “pick-up” at least four (4) times a year,
- and the person(s) must be at least eighteen years old, In the case of a group, the group must designate a leader who is at least eighteen (18) years old,
- and the leader will ensure that safety is a priority, that each participant uses the safety equipment,
- and the leader will separate trash from recyclables,
- and the leader will complete two (2) quick forms after each litter “pick-up” to provide collection information
The Salem County Improvement Authority – Solid Waste Division supplies on-going safety equipment for each participant for the entire period the road is adopted. These supplies include: safety vests, gloves, safety signs, and plastic bags for trash and recyclables. Each person or group is responsible for proper disposal of all trash collected and recycling of all recyclables collected during the required four (4) times a year “pick-ups”. The Salem County Improvement Authority – Solid Waste Division will purchase and install two (2) permanent signs and posts, each with an Adopt-A-Road Program sign, identifying the person or group’s name responsible for the “adopted” stretch of road. These signs are posted at the designated stretch in each direction.
For more information and to obtain PDF downloads, please visit the Forms & Pubic Information page. The pertinent information will be found under the “Forms & Brochures” section.
Adopt A Road Spotlight:
Salem Tech Ffa
In March 2014, the Salem Tech FFA’s advisor, Keely DiTizio, and her approximately 50 members, adopted a portion of Bailey Street in Woodstown. The Salem Tech FFA Chapter was volunteering to clean up Bailey Street as part of the county’s mini-grant program, and its proximity to the school made it the obvious choice for adoption. In addition, the FFA holds bake sales at the nearby Tractor Supply, so it really was the perfect location for their Adopt-a-Road.
Mrs. DiTizio has been the leader of this industrious group for the past 11 years. “The FFA motto is ‘Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve’” and serving the community by picking up litter is how my students and I live out that motto,” stated Mrs. DiTizio.
Mrs. DiTizio has always had a heart for protecting the environment, going back to her time at Stockton University, where she earned her degree in Environmental Science and Marine Biology. Her students participate in service projects in addition to litter cleanups, including the study of wood duck habitats at Supawna Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Pennsville and reblazing the trail in Fenwick Park behind the school in Pilesgrove. On Earth Day this year, the agriculture students also helped clean up a 2 mile stretch of beach in Elsinboro and planted wildflowers for the bees and butterflies at the Inn at Salem Country Club. The Inn sponsored the transportation of the students and allowed the use of their building to host environmental workshops for the students.
“The group’s longstanding dedication to this program is an inspiration to others,” stated Improvement Authority Board Chairman, Cordy Taylor. The Salem County Improvement Authority is honored to have the Salem Tech FFA as a member of the Adopt-a-Road family and sincerely thanks them for their dedication to Salem County.
The Adopt-a-Road Program is funded by the Clean Communities Grant, and it supports the ongoing efforts to keep Salem County beautiful by removing litter from its 354 miles of roadways. Groups adopt a 1-mile stretch of road and complete a litter pickup at least four times a year. All equipment is provided free of charge to the group or family that adopts the road, as are signs advertising that the road has been adopted.
Many roads in Salem County await adoption. It’s easy: Pick a road from our list and complete an application. For more information and an application, please contact Florence Beckett at 856-935-7900 x 16 or at .