Are you confused regarding all the new rules for recycling?
These videos help clarify this important – and confusing – subject.
Single Stream Recycling – General Awareness
Presented by Brian Constantino, Certified Recycling Coordinator for Camden County.
Plastic Bags
Presented by Brian Constantino, Certified Recycling Coordinator for Camden County.
Plastics and Glass
Presented by Brian Constantino, Certified Recycling Coordinator for Camden County.
The Breakup
“I’m breaking up with you. It’s not me; it’s you.”
Can I Recycle this?????
Are you confused? You’re not alone!
Don’t Listen to Them!
National brands sometimes put recycling instructions right on their packaging. This is a problem because throughout the United States, different towns have different recycling rules.
You may have also seen notices on plastic bottles that say “Recycle With Cap On.” However, our Municipal Recycling Facility is unable to recapture the plastic in those lids, and the lids come off and fall through the machinery to the floor where they are collected and disposed of. That takes time, so we are requesting all residents to remove these lids and threw them in the trash before putting the bottle into the recycling bin.
Please continue to follow the local rules for recycling to keep our recycling stream fee of items that can’t be recycled. For more information go to or call 856-935-7900 x 16.

Recycling News
REVISED Document Shredding & Household Hazardous Waste Dates
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we’ve had to modify the date of our first 2025 Shredding Event. See post for the new dates.
Shredding Event Recap – November 16, 2024
The Shredding Event was a great success and we thank the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority who helped greet our residents.
Successful Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event!
Approximately 185 residents participated in our October Household Hazardous Waste event with a total of 8,320 pounds or 4.16 tons collected!
Recycling is the law in New Jersey
Everyone -businesses, schools, agencies, institutions and residents – must recycle.
Salem County residents can combine all recycling in one container. This is known as “single stream recycling”. Please recycle bottle-grade plastics (numbered 1 and 2), steel, tin, aluminum, glass, newspapers, magazines, cartons, clean cardboard and other paper (no need to tie or bundle paper).
It is vital that each one of us dispose of recyclable items properly and keep as much out of the trash stream as possible. Remember to rinse out any liquids before putting bottles or cans in the recycling bin.
Knowing what not to recycle is important as well. It is imperative to keep plastic bags out of your recycling bin. They cause problems at recycling centers as they contaminate the recyclables and jam separating machinery. At this time, Styrofoam and ceramics are not recyclable.

In addition, if your business, school, agency, institution, or single/multifamily residents are not recycling, please contact your municipal recycling coordinator for assistance in getting on track with this state mandate.
Thank you for doing your part to recover this valuable resource.
Why Recycle?
- Saves valuable landfill space and prolongs the life of the landfills we currently have open.
- Recycling conserves raw materials and reduces environmental stress.
- Saves you money!
- Because it’s the law! Every person, business and institution must separate recyclables from their trash in New Jersey. Each town has its own, individual recycling program, so be sure to contact your local clerk, or municipal recycling coordinator with any questions regarding your town’s recycling program requirements.
- Many recyclable materials benefit municipalities by providing revenue to them, like aluminum cans and cardboard.
Every municipality in Salem County provides a recycling program for their local residents, and a same, or similar program for residents trash. Some municipalities have curbside recycling programs, some have drop-off recycling convenience centers and some municipalities have both. Check with your municipal clerk or municipal recycling coordinator if you are unsure of what type you have. As a township resident, you must utilize your local program for regular household trash and recyclables.
SCIA/SWD personnel will be periodically inspecting loads to insure that recyclables are not present in any load. If found, you will be directed to separate them out or asked to take them home and deposit them curbside or at your local convenience center to be recycled. The SCIA convenience center is open as a courtesy to all Salem County residents and access can be denied to non-compliance, at any time.
Mixing recyclables for disposal is against the law in the State of New Jersey. Primarily, household recyclables consist of aluminum cans, glass jars and bottles, plastic #1 PET and #2 HDPE bottles, metal cans, cardboard, newspaper and mixed paper (magazines, junk mail).
Need more information?
- General recycling information
- How to set up a recycling program at work, home, apartment or school
- Educational materials for schools
- Household hazardous wastes
- How to compost leaves and grass
- Battery recycling
- Used motor oil recycling
Learn more about recycling in NJ
Call your local clerk, recycling coordinator or the Salem County Improvement Authority at (856) 935-7900.
For more information and to obtain PDF’s, visit the Forms & Pubic Information page and look under the “Forms & Brochures” section.
What to Recycle?
Below you will find a quick easy reference to the recyclable items collected in Salem County, and if you need further assistance please contact us.
- Newspaper: Stack newspapers in brown paper bags (please, no plastic bags which can’t be recycled) or tie in bundles with string. Newspaper inserts are accepted. Magazines may or may not be inserted. Ask locally. Pass magazines onto others to be reused, otherwise bundle separately in weights less than 50 lbs.
- White Ledger Paper: Copier, typing, mimeo, note and stationary paper that is non-glossy and free of plastic (no window envelopes). Place in a paper bag or deposit in box provided at the municipal drop-off center.
- Computer Paper: Computer paper, if separated from other white ledger, is a higher grade material. Please box or bag separately, marked “computer”.
- Corrugated Cardboard and Paperboard: Paperboard is gray or white non-corrugated cardboard, such as cereal and shoe boxes. Remove any plastic bag liners or cellophane windows. Cardboard and paperboard with wax or plastic coating such as milk cartons and ice cream containers are not accepted. Cardboard should be flattened and tied in bundles or stacked in a brown paper bag.
- Glass: Jars and bottles should be rinsed and caps removed. Colorless glass, green glass, and brown glass should be separated and placed in the designated containers. NO ceramics, plate glass, headlights, dishes, light bulbs, or pyrex, please.
- Plastic: We use many plastic containers in our households that can be recycled. Plastic made from the resin HDPE ( high density polyethylene) such as milk, orange juice, cider and laundry detergent jugs, do not crack when flattened. These jugs should be rinsed, caps removed, and flattened. PET or PETE such as green and clear soft drink bottles are recyclable too.
- Composting: The simplest of recycling processes, composting, can reduce our waste to be landfilled by 30% percent. Leaves, grass clippings, garden remnants and kitchen scraps (no bones or meat) are a good recipe for compost. You can make compost in a bin (3′ high by 3′ wide works best) or you can build a pile on the ground at the edge of your garden. Layer the ingredients and sprinkle each winter with water and pack them down. Turn the mixture every three days to aerate and keep it moist.
- Cans: Aluminum beverage cans and bi-metal/steel cans such as soup cans are 100% recyclable and should be separated and placed curbside or taken to a local drop-off center. It’s not necessary to crush them.
- Other Materials: Depending on which town you live in, there are other recyclable materials that may be collected at curbside or accepted at town drop-off centers. These materials may include: wood/brush, appliances, grass clippings, scrap metal (such as propane tanks), tires (all sizes, with or without rims), motor oil, antifreeze, electronic/computer equipment, and car batteries.
Residential Recycling
Residential recycling is a large part of achieving the 50% state-wide recycling goal. “Residential” includes single-family homes and multi-family dwellings. We need your help. Multi-family dwellings present different challenges with regards to recycling than do single family homes. However, the benefits of recycling are the same for both. Recycling will lower waste disposal costs, save natural resources, save landfill space and help our environment.
This site will assist you in the recycling requirements and provide you with answers to your recycling questions.
Where Do I Start?
- plastic bottles/jars (PET & HDPE only)
- glass bottles/jars
- aluminum and bi-metal (tin) cans
- newspapers
- mixed paper (junk mail, catalogs)
- corrugated cardboard/paperboard
It is important to remember that the items listed above are ALL recyclable and should not be put in with your trash. Each of us generates an average of 4.5 pounds of solid waste each day. This adds up to a staggering amount of trash ending up in our landfill. By recycling, we can reduce this amount significantly and save landfill space. Recycling saves money by using less energy and reduces air pollution by making new products from recycled products. Recycling conserves our natural resources. New jobs are also created by recycling, which helps our economy.
We must reduce our total solid waste by 50% and to do this, we must increase our recycling efforts. Separate your recyclables and use the handy apartment recycling tote provided to you to carry them to the designated recycling location.
Where do the Recyclables Get Deposited?
- Usually, the recycling location is next to, or close by, where you would deposit your trash. This makes recycling easy because you “take out the recyclables” at the same time you “take out the trash”!
- If you don’t know where to deposit your recyclables, ASK your manager for the location.
What Goes Where?
- Recycling bins should be clearly marked with the items that should be put in the bins. Multi-family dwellings normally have the plastic bottles/jars, glass bottles/jars and aluminum and bi-metal (tin) cans placed all together in one bin.
- All newspapers, mixed papers (junk mail, catalogs) and corrugated cardboard/paperboard are deposited in a separate bin. This is because these items are picked up at different times or in separate recycling trucks.
Because Recycling is the LAW! Everyone in New Jersey must recycle. Every resident, business and institution MUST recycle. Encourage your neighbors to recycle. Remind them that it’s the right thing to do. Report neighbors who don’t recycle to your manager or superintendent.
Multi-Family Recycling Is Important
Did you know that more than 15% of Salem County residents live in multi-family dwellings? It’s true. Apartments, town-homes, condominiums and other multi-family structures are a large portion of our residential community.
Recycling, no matter where you live, is the same. It’s everyone’s responsibility to recycle by separating those items before they become trash and placing them in designated bins so they can be recycled and remade into new items.
- Aluminum and bi-metal (tin) cans are 100% recyclable and are made into new aluminum and bi-metal (tin) cans. Nearly 43 billion cans are recycled each year.
- Glass bottles and jars are recycled and made into new glass bottles and jars, or used in asphalt to build new roads. We save a ton of natural resources for every ton of glass recycled.
- Plastic bottles and jars are recycled and made into many different items such as carpeting, fill for pillows and sleeping bags, fabric for clothing, plastic lumber, flower pots, toys and trash bags.
- Newspapers are recycled and made back into newspapers and packing material. Cardboard is recycled and made into new cardboard boxes and egg cartons.
- Download the Multi-Family Recycling Guide
QUESTIONS? Ask your manager, Superintendent or call the Recycling Coordinator for your municipality:
"e-Waste" and Electronics Recycling
Electronic waste (e-Waste) is discarded computer and other consumer electronics including items like laptops, personal computers, televisions and cell phones.
There are toxics in all computers and some televisions that are hazardous is not recycled and managed properly. These include Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Nickel, Zinc and Brominated Flame Retardants.
Improperly handling discarded electronics, such as dismantling (taking apart) without proper controls, or simply tossing the materials in the trash, can expose hazardous chemical compounds know to negatively affect human and environmental health. When released into the environment, the toxic components pose a threat today and tomorrow as well as into the future for generations that follow. Currently, a very small amount of discarded computers and televisions are recycled.
The New Jersey Department of Protection has enacted a new regulation that will be implemented on January 1, 2011. The New Jersey Electronic Waste Management Act (N.J.A.C. 7:26a-13) bans the land filling of all personal and desktop computers, monitors and portable/laptop computers and all televisions. These “covered” electronics MUST now be recycled and no longer land filled.
Residents can find the nearest collection point by contacting their municipality or by delivering their covered electronics to the Solid Waste Division’s Convenience Center on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 am to 3 pm. The Solid Waste Division has had an electronics recycling program in place since 2002. Covered electronics include desktop and personal computers, monitors, portable/laptop computers and all televisions. Please note that electronics will only be accepted from residents; no businesses.
Covered electronics can also be delivered to several collection points set up and established and set up by the manufactures of these materials. There are currently no manufacturer collection locations established in Salem County other than some municipalities and the Solid Waste Division’s Convenience Center.
For further questions, please contact Florence Beckett at or 856-935-7900 x 16.
Learn more about E-cycle New Jersey!
Don’t Stop Recycling just because you’re not at home!
School and Business Recycling Guide
Where to Start?
- Designate a recycling program coordinator.
Choose someone who is capable and enthusiastic, who has good organizational and communicative skills. He/she should be responsible for analyzing your waste stream, meet with local and/ or county recycling officials, develop a plan to educate staff and employees and monitor progress. - Determine what you generate that is recyclable.
- High grade office paper
- Mixed paper (junk mail, catalogs)
- Newspapers
- Corrugated cardboard
- Aluminum cans
- Glass bottles/jars
- Plastic Bottles/Jars (PET & HDPE only)
- Download the School and Business Recycling Brochure
Your responsibility as the principal, manager or owner of an institution/business is to ensure that a recycling program is implemented. Your program should provide for separation of many of the mandated recyclable materials listed above. You may not generate all of them, so focus on those recyclable materials you do generate.
Designing your program:
- Determine your options.
Review your current waste disposal practices and research your options for the collection and marketing of the recyclable materials you generate. The recycling program coordinator should gather information on collection methods, market requirements, equipment/supply needs, administrative and labor costs, potential revenues and avoided costs. Three possible collection/marketing options are:- Collection by municipal recycling program -contact your municipal recycling coordinator to ask if this option is possible.
- Collection by private hauler -contact your current solid waste hauler to see if they provide recycling services to addition to their disposal services.
- Collection by institution/business vehicles-you may have existing equipment and manpower to provide “in house” collection and transportation of recyclable materials to market.
- Establish a system.
- Make arrangements to separate, collect and store recyclable materials.
- Design logical deposit locations.
- Acquire and place properly labeled containers and lids.
- Designate WHO will collect and when.
- Provide ample storage space, with truck access if possible.
Implementing Your Program:
- Educate everyone.
Explain procedures and show examples to staff, students and employees. Make sure custodial staff is educated and consider any special concerns they have. Encourage participation by publicizing with posters and fliers. Have a special recycling event day. - Keep records.
Make all recycling efforts count. Amounts of all materials recycled should be forwarded to your municipal recycling coordinator at least yearly. Municipalities are required to report recycling figures on an annual basis and receive credit for4 these figures. This also assists us in reaching our goal of 50% recycling. Collection receipts, weight slips, hauler/market tonnage reports should be retained and made a part of your records. This will enable calculation of actual costs savings and compliance with local reporting requirements effortless. - Add additional materials.
consider including the following additional mandated recyclable materials into your program; tin/bi-metal cans, scrap metal, white goods appliances, motor oil, construction waste, untreated wood, yard waste, food waste, including cooking oil and tires.
Don’t Stop Recycling just because you’re not at home!
Municipal Recycling Coordinators:
- Alloway Township: Charlet Cheeseman – 935-4080
- Carneys Point Township: Joe Santogrossi – 299-7082
- Elmer Borough: Cindy Nolan – 358-2645
- Elsinboro Township: Sean Elwell – 935-2200
- Lower Alloways Creek Township: Lewis Fogg – 935-5252
- Mannington Township: Patti Davis – 935-2359 x150
- Oldmans Township: Jim Nipe – 299-0780
- Penns Grove Borough: Joe Santogrossi – 299-7082
- Pennsville Township: Jack Lynch – 678-6360 x5
- Pilesgrove Township: Donna Caulfield – 769-3222 #3
- Pittsgrove Township: Barbara Laury – 358-6641 x4
- Quinton Township: Margie Sperry – 609-381-4821, Alison O’Boyle – 856-542-4029
- Salem City: Cynthia Edwards – 935-0350
- Upper Pittsgrove Township: Linda Stepgens/ Krissy Defrehn – 358-8500
- Woodstown Borough: Cynthia Dalessio – 769-2200 x20
- Salem County Coordinator: Florence Beckett – 935-7900 x16