DEADLINE: January 16, 2025
The Salem County Improvement Authority is soliciting proposals through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.7 for the following positions:
- Professional Engineer for the Solid Waste Division – Download RFP
- Title V Compliance Engineer – Download RFP
- Professional Engineer for Annual Topographical Survey and other survey related work – Download RFP
- Risk Management Consultant – Download RFP
- Health Benefits Broker/Consultant – Download RFP
- Financial Advisor – Download RFP
- Professional Consultant and Auditor – Download RFP
- Bond Counsel – Download RFP
- Solicitor – Download RFP
Note: all RFPs are word documents.
Interested applicants must submit one (1) original, signed CLEARLY marked as “ORIGINAL” and one (1) full, complete and exact copy of the required information by mail to Attention: Julie A. Acton, Executive Director, Salem County Improvement Authority, 286 Welchville Road, P.O. Box 890, Alloway, New Jersey 08001, to be received no later than 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at which time all proposals received shall be publicly opened and announced by the Executive Director or her designee. Fax and e-mail responses will not be accepted.
The information to be submitted for consideration is contained in a document entitled “Request for Proposal for the Position of (Name of Respective Professional Service)”, which can be obtained by downloading a copy from our website at Questions regarding these documents may be directed to the SCIA Administrative Office, Michele Gamber at (856) 935-7900 ext. 12. Information which must be contained in the response to the RFP, includes, but is not limited to: professional resume and/or other materials which shall include at a minimum full name and business address; dates of licensure in the State of New Jersey, if applicable; a listing of any professional affiliations or memberships in any professional societies or organizations, with an indication as to any offices held therein; the number of licensed professionals employed by/affiliated with the applicant; a listing of all special accreditations held by the individual licensed professional or business entity; and a listing of all previous public entities served by the business entity or licensed professional, indicating the dates of service and position held. The applicant shall also submit the proposed rate(s) of compensation that is requested.
Proposals will thereafter be received by the Salem County Improvement Authority, who may award the contract for the services. The award of the Contract will be based on the following criteria: (i) responsiveness to the required submissions as outlined in the Request for Proposal; (ii) general experience and reputation in the field; (iii) specific experience/knowledge of the Salem County Improvement Authority and the subject matter to be addressed under the Contract; (iv) qualifications and experience which most closely match the needs of the Authority; (v) availability to accommodate meeting and interface requirements with the Authority for meetings, phone conferences, attendance at events and office consultations; (vi) office resources, including backup staff, which are deemed most adequate to service the needs of the Board; and (vii) the applicant who is deemed otherwise most advantageous based on all information submitted or gathered in connection with the proposal.
The Authority reserves the right to: (i) not select any of the applicants; (ii) require applicants to submit to a personal interview and/or submit additional or clarifying information; (iii) to reject any or all proposals; (iv) to waive any informalities in the proposals; and (v) procure the articles or services from other sources if deemed most advantageous to the objectives of the Authority.
The Authority’s determination of the applicant who is most advantageous to the goals and objectives of the Authority shall be final and conclusive.
By order of Salem County Improvement Authority
Susan Bestwick, Chairperson