Take notice that the Salem County Improvement Authority (SCIA) will hold a special meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. via Teleconferencing at which time formal action may be taken regarding such matters as may be brought before the Authority for consideration which are reasonably necessary for the continuation of SCIA’s governmental operations. To the extent known, the agenda for this special meeting may include, but is not limited to advertise for bids for Construction of Methane Gas Collection System Infrastructure, purchase of (2) two CF-5 Solar Spark Vent Passive Flares and any other business as may come before the Board.

The call-in instructions are as follows:

Call 605-475-4000 and enter the access code 921463#

Please contact Sandra Kearney, Recording Secretary, if you need further instructions or assistance. Ms. Kearney can be reached at 856-935-7900 x 16 or via email at .

Susan Bestwick, Chairperson
Salem County Improvement Authority