Whereas New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et.seq.) requires that notice of Professional Services Contracts awarded by a governing body be publically advertised; and
Whereas the Salem County Improvement Authority advertised for and accepted responses to Requests for Proposal under the “Fair and Open” process for various professional services for 2024;
Now therefore be it noted that the following Professional Services Contracts have been awarded by the Salem County Improvement Authority:
Awarded To: Bowman & Company
Services: Auditing Services
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Archer Greiner
Services: Bond Counsel
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Michael A. Aimino, Esq.
Services: Legal Services
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Alaimo Group
Services: Solid Waste Engineer
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Scs Engineers
Services: Title V Nmoc Compliance Engineer
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Arm Group Inc.
Services: Topographical Engineer & Survey Services
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: The Barclay Group
Services: Risk Management
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Phoenix Advisors
Services: Financial Advisor
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract
Awarded To: Ajm Insurance
Services: Health Benefits Broker
Time Period: One Year
Amount: Per Contract