2024 Household Hazardous Waste Event

SCIA to host Household Hazardous Waste Event on October 19, 2024, 8:00 – 12:00 noon. Please bring these ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: Oil based paints Solvents / thinners / turpentine / varnish Metal polish Nail polish Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers Cleaning products...

Recycle Your Reusable Shopping Bags!

Recycle excess reusable shopping bags at the Convenience Center! Do you find yourself with an abundance of reusable bags? NJ specs for such bags is 125 uses. Unfortunately, many bags are being discarded well before 125 uses. This creates a couple of problems: litter...

Salem County Residents Do The Right Thing At The HHW Collection Event

Salem County Residents do the Right Thing at the HHW Collection Event on April 15, 2023! In total, Salem County residents delivered 8,860 pounds of household generated hazardous waste during the event. Thank you to the Recycling Enhancement Act Grant for funding this...

Illusion Maker at Salem County Schools

December 2022 Thank you to the Clean Communities Grant for funding this fantastic event, along with the Salem County Improvement Authority for setting up the shows. The Illusion Maker presented Salem County schools with an informative and fun message about the harmful...

Avoid the Spark Campaign

Call2Recycle and New Jersey Coalition Take on Battery Recycling Initiative to  Help Residents “Avoid the Spark” Education campaign aims to reduce battery-ignited fire danger by helping residents identify & recycle household batteries TRENTON, N.J. – August...

Recycling Coordinators Tour Omni Recycling Facility

The New Jersey Municipal Tonnage Grant (MTG) program provides grants to local and county governments to encourage recycling of solid waste. This Grant is available to every municipality in Salem County. One new requirement of receipt of this Grant is that each...